Course Content
Bridge (Level 2)
Bridge with hands on the wall
00:21Bridge with straight legs
Bridge (Level 3)
Walking in bridge
00:19Walking hands around feet – Coming Soon!
00:00Walking feet around hands
00:22Sitting to bridge circular entry
00:18Squat to bridge circular entry
00:20Lifting one leg at a time in bridge
00:22Tick-tocks onto crash mat/raised surface
00:19Holding split handstand with 1 foot on the wall
00:24Standing to bridge, walking hands down the wall
00:22Bridge to standing, walking hands up the wall
00:17Partners: alternating forwards ‘WALKOVERS’ over back
Bridge (Level 4)
Kicking over from bridge using the wall
00:24Partners: one person in tabletop,walkover over partner’s back
00:19Assisted walkover with spotters,one either side
00:20Partners: assisted walkover
00:16Tick-tocks on level surface
00:20Partners: spotted dropback to bridge – Coming Soon!
Bridge (Level 5)
Unassisted backwards walkover
00:14Unassisted forwards walkover
00:15Forwards walkover with staggered hands and feet
00:16Forwards walkover leg switch
00:15Dropback to bridge
00:20Bridge to standing
Level 1
Shoulder stretches looking at hands
00:29Glute bridge, lifting one leg
Level 2
Active shoulder flexibility hand taps on wall
00:21Upper back flexibility hand taps on wall
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